Monday, July 7, 2008

Thursday, July 3

I feel as if all my thursdays are going to be about how i have the weekly test the next day. But since that would be rather dry, I'll also talk about the other insignificant parts of my day. One, presenting my essay. There was only one person other than the teacher (Wang laoshi, the one I fear the most, I think it's because she's the oldest...) and he presented first. I had no clue I had to pay attention to what he was saying while he presented, thus come discussion time, Wang laoshi asked me, "So Ashley, do you have any questions for Sean?" And I was like, "" She gave me this flabbergasted look and was like, "But you need to have questions for him." and I returned hers with my very own gaboozled look, "What? Really?"
After classes, I procrastinated until the very last minute who knows doing what. I think I started studying around 9 pm.
Not good. Especially since I planned on studying starting from 4. At least that's what my Apple calendar says. 

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