Tuesday, July 1, 2008

La Duzi~! The Chinese speak French...

Tuesday, July 1.

La~ Duzi!! (La DOO z) Meaning: to have stomach/bowel problems (a euphemism). Yes, because of this (inevitable, but not desirable), sleep was no good. Thus, classes were no good. My body was there in class, but my brain apparently wasn't. I think the teachers eventually realized this as I saw that as class progressed with my continuous 'huh?'s and blank stares, they asked me fewer and fewer questions. 
After more trips to the bathrooms during break times, my small class went to Chinese table with our teacher and went to eat Peking Duck at a small restaurant close-by our school. It was my first duck. I don't know if it was because I had no appetite, or if it was that the restaurant was not a good choice (I think our class agreed silently that it wasn't), or if it was the duck, but I didn't like it. My stomach agreed. 
Later, during dinner, my stomach apparently didn't agree with sushi either.
One week in. I thought I would last longer.

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